Note to self

Promise me, you will never lose that sparkle in your eyes
Promise me, that you will never give up on your dreams
That you will never conform to society’s idea of “normal”
That you will always stay true to yourself and your vision
Promise me, that you will always be young at heart
That you will always let your soul shine through
That you will never apologize for choosing your happiness
That you will never feel bad for changing for the better
& most importantly promise me that you will never stop loving yourself

You don’t love her. You never did. You only liked her because she was good for your ego. You only gave her attention when you realized you didn’t deserve a woman like her. & you only displayed affection when you noticed the way other men looked at her.

Yet she only saw you and you lost her… Hopefully the next guy she gives her heart to will appreciate her beauty inside and out.


There are only two people in this world who I think know me better than I even know myself. I felt the most comfortable, yet the most vulnerable around you two. Our connection was so strong, it was almost scary. You always knew exactly what I was thinking just by the look on my face. Both of you know my deepest secrets, wildest dreams, and greatest fears.
You listened to me. You cared about me. You made me feel important. You understood me.  And you never judged me. We laughed. We cried. We poured our hearts out. And gave each other our souls.
You were my best friends and together, we could have accomplished anything. I’m sorry circumstances changed. I’m sorry plans changed. I’m sorry life happened, and everything changed.
I always knew that day would come, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time. Reminiscing, it all seems like a dream that I woke up from. I don’t know if I will ever find a friendship like ours again. I don’t know the reason why we came in to each other’s life. I don’t know why from one day to another, it just wasn’t the same anymore.
There will always be a special place in my heart for both of you. I love you now and forever. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for accepting me. And thank you for loving me unconditionally.


Sometimes there are connections between individuals that can’t be explained. It’s not about looks, age, finances, or any other superficial factor. It’s just chemistry that attracts two beings. I don’t know if soulmates or true love even exists but I do know that there are certain people who change your life for the better. When they are around, you feel like you can accomplish anything. They make you forget that the rest of the world exists, because nothing else matters. For the first time, you feel like you can finally be yourself without any judgement. That’s the kind of energy I want to surround myself with forever.

DEAR the UNITED States,

What ever happened to the common good of the nation? The safety of EVERYONE, not one particular group of people? Can we take a moment to truly consider what is better for ALL not just some? When did we as a country start to only care for ourself instead of each other? I hate this selfish mentality that plagues our society nowadays. The “If I don’t personally benefit from it then I won’t stand for it” mindset. We will never progress if everyone thinks this way.

During the civil rights era there were white people who protested along side black people. A cause that didn’t affect them personally, yet they stood up for what is just. What about the male allies of the women’s suffrage movement? These men had nothing to gain, but they decided to support what is fair. If someone is being harassed in your presence, will you have the courage to speak up or turn the other cheek? Too many “heroes” only want to save the day if they are being recognized for their actions. I am extremely disappointed with this “what will I get out it” attitude.

When did our personal interests become more important that doing what is ethical? We shouldn’t help others if we are expecting something in return. Charities; volunteer work. It’s about giving back to your community. I believe it is a civic duty to help those who are less fortunate than yourself. Oh and what about the animals and the environment? We don’t care about neither unless we can make a business out of it right? No one wants to preserve the earth unless there is a profit involved. This selfish greed that has manifested is absolutely disgusting. When did the good of all mankind become second to the advantage of man?

I’m tired of hearing complaints that your tax dollars may or may not directly benefit you. We as citizens should be proud to contribute to a system that will help the common welfare of our society. Yes, your money may go towards a road that you will never drive on but if it’s for the improvement of the entire community then what is the problem? Yes, you may pay taxes for a school in your neighborhood even if you don’t have kids. Yes, your money may go towards a disabled senior citizen who relies on social security but wouldn’t you want the same if you were in that position? Please try to understand that you are a part of something bigger than yourself.

What is this country coming to if you have government officials stating we shouldn’t feed hungry kids because statistically it’s not proven to “help performance” in school. I’m terribly sorry that you have completely missed the point Mr. Budget Director. This should be not about making better grades or wondering what we as taxpayers will get out of it? It is moral; what is humane. We feed a child that is hungry because it’s the right thing to do as a human being. And do not blame it on the parents either. I don’t want to hear the “well you shouldn’t have had a child if you couldn’t take care of her/him” argument. The child didn’t ask to be brought into this world so he or she should not have to suffer for their parents decisions. These pure and innocent children are the future of this country. It is our responsibility to give each and every one of them a fair opportunity at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So many are quick to preach the Bible when it comes to certain topics, yet seem to forget the principle of “loving thy neighbor.” It’s called compassion. Empathy. It’s been proven time and time again. United we stand; Divided we fall. Is that not the basis this country was founded upon? Our strengths and weaknesses is what keep this society balanced. Not everyone on government assistance is taking advantage of the system. The same way not every Hispanic is illegal or not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every black person is a thug and not everyone who is white is racist. We need to stop letting these stereotypes divide us further and further a part. I’m so tired of this race; religious, and undocumented war. People are being killed. Families are being separated. Our planet is being destroyed… yet too many of us are sitting down when we should be standing up for what is right. Can we please live up to our name? I thought this was the UNITED STATES not the DIVIDED states of America.



“You were so horribly blind. She was right there, she was always there to deal with your shit and pick you up when you were falling apart. She was the one who stuck by your side through it all. Now that she’s gone, you finally realize she was the one…

You’re too late. How could you be so blind.”



The truth is we spend our entires lives looking for someone to love us

We focus all our attention on trying to find another person to make us feel valuable

Because we are instilled with this idea that our only purpose in life is to pick a partner

But maybe we need to stop looking for love in all the wrong places

Maybe what we are searching for is actually in the mirror

&Maybe the only person we truly need to find is ourself

Maybe that unconditional love you wanted all this time, was inside of you all along

&Maybe that’s the only true love that really matters